
3 Steps to Bigger Profit

Have you spent time trying to find ways to track and profit from the traffic on your site? It’s hard to know where to start with so many platforms for tracking.

Not to mention the mountains of buzzwords flying around the internet like “analytics”, “adwords”, “pay-per-click”, “funneling”. Forget all that for a minute.

We have 3 steps to take your site traffic to a stage where it’s actually profiting your business. You probably already know that there are traditional ways for compiling information.

You’ve likely spent time looking at your conversion percentage, reviewing your click through rates, checking your cost per click numbers,your site visits, your graphs, your charts… you’re tired, right? We are too.

So check out my video on how to convert traffic into more profit:

There’s a lot to play with, there’s a lot to consider and it’s tiring to think about. We have a better way. A way for you to track exactly what is going on with your business so that you can make more money.

To do this you can use what we call the “PAP” method.

P for People

The first step and most important factor is ‘people’.

You need to ask yourself a few questions like: Who are the people visiting your website? Who are the people buying your products? Who are the people that are clicking just short of your sales page?

With that information in hand you can assess a few more things: What are your buyer’s demographic? What are their ages, locations and most frequently bought items?

Hypothetically, after all this research, let’s say you have two frequent customers, Ben and Judy. Ben and Judy are really big fans of the Office themed bobble heads you sell.

They act quickly and buy a new bobble head every time you release a new character into your inventory. Their actions are important because actions are the next stage in our three step plan.

A for Action

So you know your people, Ben and Judy and their visiting habits. That’s great! Tracking the actions of your visitors is a crucial next step to succeed in creating profit.

You need to track what actions specifically people are taking. Are they coming to your homepage and entering their email? Is it because your pops up says “Subscribe to our newsletter” or “10% off your first order!”?

Are they reading your blog or are they watching videos that you posted? What content is gaining more views? Is it your blogs or videos, or  your blogs with videos? How far are visitors scrolling down your landing page?

Now that you have an idea of their actions you need to be one step ahead of them. You can take that one step do by knowing which path your visitors are taking.

You now have all this information on their actions but you need to be able to easily visualize their potential pathways.

P for Paths

So, you have people coming to your website and through your research you’ve found that Tim visits organically by Googling your site.

He clicks on your homepage, hits up your blog and then gets bored and leaves.

You lost Tim’s sale.

Then there is Joe who found you through the Google Ad you set up. He clicks your Google ad and it pops over to your blog.

Joe sticks around for a while, reads your blog, watches a video, clicks your homepage aaandd leaves to look at his Facebook newsfeed.

You lost Joe’s sale.

But wait, there’s Katherine. She found you through your Facebook ad, it takes her to your landing page. She enters her email and it sends her your “Thank You for Subscribing email” page.

Katherine likes being thanked. In fact, she likes it so much that she clicks on the “Check out our new blog” post you added to that Thank You Email.

The blog sells her on a product you’re promoting and pushes her to the sales page where she makes a purchase.

You made a sale! Great, right?

Not to burst your bubble but remember that you still lost Joe and Tim.

Might this be because you couldn’t entirely visualize the paths and actions they took?

If you can’t predict a visitors actions and pathways you might be making some money but you’re not reaching your full selling potential.

A great tool would be a software that shows you the exact pathways of your visitors, one that lays out a visual map of who they are and where they’re entering and exiting.

If you want a software just like that then check this out… funnelytics.io