
How to Choose the Right Mentor [Tips for Entrepreneurs]

How do I choose the right mentor to get me where I want to go?

Finding a mentor that you trust can be one of the fastest ways to level up your business as an entrepreneur.

But finding the right one can be a little more difficult.

Look, I get it. Choosing the right mentor to level up your business can seem hard and scary…

Especially since hiring a mentor or a business coach usually costs a decent chunk of change. It also often requires an upfront commitment, both of time and money.

The last thing you want to do is invest your hard-earned profits in a mentor who can’t help you grow your business.

But it’s actually easier to choose the right mentor than you may think.

Especially if you make sure you avoid one key mistake…

Trying to work with a mentor who is not right for the goals you have right now.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to choose the right mentor is to try to work with someone who is doing what they want to be doing in ten years… not what they are doing right now.

Here’s an example:

Say you are looking to start your first business. You have a great idea and you’re ready to get it off the ground. You’re ready to start building the foundation for what you hope will be a massive company in ten years.

You may have been reading a ton of business coaching material from some of the biggest mentors out there… guys like Tony Robbins.

So you think “maybe I should try to work with Tony Robbins! That would be awesome!”

And yes, that definitely would be awesome…

But if you’re just starting your first business, that isn’t where you are right now.

Tony might be a fantastic mentor once you’re trying to take your business from $500M a year to a billion dollars a year, but he’s not really the guy to be hanging out with when you’re just starting out and trying to make your first $100,000.

If you’re an entrepreneur just starting your first business, you should focus on choosing a mentor who is intimately familiar with the problems you are going to encounter this year, who can help you reach your next goal.

So goo look for someone who knows more than you do and who can help you achieve your first goal. Read everything they put out and see if it jives with you. Check out their testimonials. Join any Facebook groups or other social they may have. Ask the people who work with them what they think. That’s how you’ll know whether or not you can trust them.

Then take the plunge and commit to investing in yourself and taking your business to the next level.

And remember: Choosing the right mentor isn’t forever. You don’t have to work with the same coach for the rest of your life. Your mentors will come and go as your business grows and you reach new goals and stages.

So once you’ve reached your goal – you’ve started your first business, you’ve made your first $100,000 – then it’s time to choose the right mentor for what comes next.

And hopefully the right time to work with someone like Tony will be right around the corner!

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