
Expert Spotlight: Russell Brunson – Hosted by Mikael Dia

Russell Brunson on ClickFunnels, building 7-figure businesses, stepping into the role of CEO and his new book, “Traffic Secrets”.

I recently had the chance to sit down with funnel building LEGEND Russell Brunson and talk about building businesses, Clickfunnels, everything that’s going on in the world right now…

And, of course, his new book, “Traffic Secrets.”

You can watch the whole interview right here (or read the transcript below).

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Expert Spotlight Interview with Russell Brunson
March 30th, 2020

Note: This transcript has been lightly edited to remove filler words and stutters, but that’s about it.

Mikael Dia (00:01):

Hey, what’s up everybody? It’s Mikael here. I’m super stoked because we have Russell Brunson here. He’s going to jam out with us. We’re going to have some fun. We’re going to talk about a whole lot of stuff including this awesome trilogy box set that uh, we’re matching right here. That I got access to, I’ve been diving into it. It’s been a lot of fun. But first of all, Russell, thank you so much for being here.

Russell Brunson (00:28):

Yeah, man. Thanks for having me. Excited to hang out with people that understand funnels, that get it. It’s the best thing to do all day. So I’m excited.

Mikael Dia (00:36):

It’s what I do too, all day long. That’s why I need Funnelytics, funnel analytics I smashed them together, That’s how creative I am. You know, I literally just took two words and I put them together. But you know, it’s funny. I want to tell you a quick story. In secret number five of traffic secrets you talked about something pretty interesting. You mention a story about how you were in college and you were in class and you learned about traffic that you own. It kind of changed your entire mindset. You were like, man, that means I can, I can send out an email, I can… and your heart started beating and things started going pretty nuts and you started seeing the possibilities. And in 2012 I was in San Francisco and I had that same thing happen to me.

Mikael Dia (01:31):

I was trying to figure out this online marketing thing. I was trying to figure out how this all worked and I stumbled across a video for a program called Dot Com Secrets X, and in that video you shared how building your own list and being able to send follow ups and the concept of funnels is how this whole game worked. And that feeling that you had was that for me during when I watched that video, I was like, Holy, this thing is just, it is a game changer. This is going to change my life forever. And I’ve gone on to build three, seven figure businesses because of it, because of the concept of funnels.

My wife used to joke about the fact that there are two voices that she could hear in her dreams. One was mine and the other was Russell’s a hundred miles a minute voice speaking. Every time she would fall asleep, it’d just be Dot Com. You know, the daily sketches that you would do on YouTube and all that stuff. So that’s my connection to you. So it’s kind of surreal for me to be interviewing you. It’s allowed me to change, it’s changed my life. So I appreciate that. I’ve got to say that upfront.

Russell Brunson (02:48):

That is so cool. You’ve been paying attention for a long time then because that was before ClickFunnels. That was before any of these books were written. That was back when we were cutting our teeth, learning, testing and trying all these things out for the first time.

Mikael Dia (02:58):

Exactly, so I’d love to actually chat with you very quickly about that transition. So from 2012, where were you at as a marketer, as an entrepreneur? And all the way up until you started ClickFunnels in 2014. Right. So those two years, what was your business like? What was your mindset like?

Russell Brunson (03:22):

Yeah, it’s interesting because if you look at the cycles, it’s funny because I started way before that in the first couple of years I was learning this business. I started selling my potato gun DVDs and I was creating courses in a lot of weird markets.

Russell Brunson (03:37):

And then I was graduating college and people saw what I was doing and everyone started asking me. So then I started coaching and I did that for four or five years and built up the company and then it kind of collapsed because it was during the last big recession. I laid off like 80 people. And and then at that point is when I wanted to figure out the next thing. I was tired of teaching it and I wanted to like get back in the business of actually doing it. And so during that window, which is when the Dot Com Secrets X came out, Dot Com Secrets Local, we launched 12 different companies that year.

Russell Brunson (04:11):

We had a supplement for neuropathy, we had a course on speed reading, we had one on dating, we had one on couponing, we had one on a eCommerce product that helped cold sores. Anyway, there were whole bunch of things. And it was during that window, as I was getting back into the business, I’d been teaching for a while and I just got tired of teaching and I was like, I want to do, I want to practice what we preach, and get back into it.

And so I kept launching these funnels because I was just I was obsessed with the funnel building thing. I think like you are like, I see your your whiteboard, like that’s me. Like I want to whiteboard it and sit down with my designers and design it. So that was what was happening during that window, we were back in the game trying things and playing and just like rediscovering.

Russell Brunson (04:55):

It was so much fun. And the biggest problem though for us was we were a really small team of a handful of guys who were doing this. So, every idea we had, like when I went to the neuropathy spaces, like okay let’s build the neuropathy funnel and it was like four or five months for us to build the whole thing and get it done. And it’s tough for me because as an entrepreneur, when I get excited about something I’m like, I wanna do it right now. And then I get the team excited and they get excited and then it’s like the grind of building it would take so long and by the time the funnel was done I was so bored, I was like, I don’t even, I don’t even know what neuropathy is, why we created a supplement on this.

Russell Brunson (05:30):

I was excited four months ago when I found the research. We knew it was gonna be hot market. But that was like what it was, just this grind of like, excitement, energy, excitement, start building the funnel and then we lose excitement and then I’d be excited by the next thing and I’m trying to get them to build the next funnel while they’re like trying to finish this one it’s just like, let’s get stuff done. And it was interesting too because not all of them were successful. We had, you know, some that were big winners, some of them that were okay and some that just didn’t do anything at all. But it was a fun experimenting time for me and for us.

And it was in the middle of that when Todd, who was the guy that at the time on my team that was like coding all these sites custom every single time when he was like, we should build software that makes this easier. And that’s when we started on the ClickFunnels project.

Mikael Dia (06:13):

When you started ClickFunnels, did you did you originally think of it as a company, did you build the tool first? Like, okay, let’s just play around with this and see can this work for us and then let’s go, or was it already like, you know what, I think if we build this properly we can build something from this?

Russell Brunson (06:34):

Definitely. So, I think it started with Todd who was just like worn out of building so many funnels and he was like most of our funnels are similar. They’re different, but they’re similar, so we could make some templates, I could like make something where you can go in there, you can edit them. I’m like, Oh that would be so good because, I mean, I don’t know how many times at like two in the morning, my headline sucks. Change it to this headline. So initially we liked that.

Russell Brunson (06:57):

Then he was like, well, if we’re going to do this, we could do something bigger. And like the side story i don’t tell people normally was Todd was supposed to be flying to Boise, because we were going to work on this project together. And I remember that morning was the morning that Leadpages got $5 million in funding. So Todd lives in Atlanta, he’s jumping on the plane and he reads this article and he texted it to me. So I wake up a couple of hours later, I read it. I was like, Leadpages? like we were just like blown away. Like this is the most simple thing ever. And by the time Todd landed in Boise, he was all angry.

Russell Brunson (07:27):

He was like, I could build Leadpages this week. Like, let’s clone it, let’s beat it. Let’s go after that. And I’m like, okay. And then, and that’s what started like, wait, well, if we’re going to do this, do you want Leadpages? I’m like, no, it’s just like a landing page software, right? What if we made something that we really wanted? And that’s when these conversations of what if we had a shopping cart involved? What if we could do this? And what if I could do the upsells? And what if we actually instead of just having a page, you can build a funnel and that’s when the dreaming started, right?

And we sat in front of a whiteboard for a week just like dreaming and sketching stuff and like, Oh, what if it did this and this? And Todd was just taking notes on everything. And then when the week was done, he flew back home and then that’s when he started coding it and, and built ClickFunnels.

Mikael Dia (08:05):

And five years later, changing the world, like literally impacting hundreds of millions of people with the network effect. It’s pretty crazy thinking about that journey. And you know, you’re a marketer, having built Funnelytics in two years into kind of a multi seven figure business, I realize that what I love to do is this too. I sit down and I whiteboard stuff and I like thinking about product. I like thinking about all that stuff. But one of the biggest transitions for me has been being able to put on a CEO hat and not just a marketer hat. You now run a company with how many people?

Russell Brunson (08:58):

Almost 400 employees.

Mikael Dia (09:00):

400 employees. Right? And you guys are remote. Or at least the vast majority. I think you guys have two offices or two core offices, but you’re all over the world. How has that transition been for you? You know, just building funnels, being a marketer, thinking about headlines, books, all that stuff, writing the content and doing the stuff in these books to like, man, I got 400 employees.

Russell Brunson (09:24):

And their families and then like, yeah. It’s interesting because I tell my team this all the time, I would walk into the funnel building team, I’m like, Oh, I’m so jealous. She has to have like the best job. Like I would trade you in a heartbeat. Because that’s still my passion. But it’s interesting because as I started watching, there’s different transition growths in a company from like zero to a million, million to 10, 10 to a hundred and beyond. But there’s also such big changes for you personally as the leader, the entrepreneur. From zero to a million bucks was like me writing a really good pitch to explain the product and figuring out what we’re selling and how we’re selling it.

Russell Brunson (10:01):

That was my role. And then from like a million to 10, it was like, how do we start growing this and start scaling it and what are the other funnels we need? What is the content we need to help explain it? And it was a lot more on me. And then from 10 to a hundred was lot of transitions from not just me. In fact, I did a podcast on this talking about how the biggest shift as you’re growing is when you’re starting the company, it’s like you are the all-star. You’re Michael Jordan, you’re the best player on the team. You come out there and you gotta dunk on everyone. You gotta be the one who just kind of the ball hog and, and takes it and runs with it.

Russell Brunson (10:34):

But to go from like 10 million to a hundred million. Like it doesn’t work where you’re the all-star. The only way for you as a company to grow is for the entrepreneur to literally retire from the all-star role and become a coach and learn how to coach other all-stars. That was, for me, probably the hardest step in the process. And I’m not the best at it still. But I had to learn how to put my ego down because we’d be building a funnel. I’m like, Oh they’re doing it wrong. I jumped in there and change the copy and fix it. And it’s the equivalent of Michael Jordan being your coach and in the middle of the game he gets annoyed, he runs out and grabs the ball and dunks on you all.

Russell Brunson (11:06):

The rest of the team is like, dude, we know you can dunk but we’re trying to play now. And I kept doing that, kept interrupting the team like cutting them off and I realized that like I was actually holding everybody back.

I remember having this like this moment with myself of just like, Russell, you’re done, you’re retired. You have to step back. And if you really want this message to get some more people, you can’t keep being the all-star. You have to retire and become a coach and learn how to coach other all-stars, which is a whole different skill set and a whole different thing to learn.

It’s still hard. In fact with the traffic secrets funnel, everyone’s like, so what’s the plan? I’m like, this one’s mine. I’m writing the copy myself. I am so sorry. I need to get my hands dirty again. So I did for this one.

Mikael Dia (11:51):

You wrote the whole book. I mean, that’s fair. It’s fair.

Russell Brunson (11:54):

I deserve to have the last piece. I think that’s the hardest part. I think most entrepreneurs don’t make it there. Most entrepreneurs, they love the limelight in the all-stars so much that they never step away from it. But I think to really grow a company and to be able to have something to lose beyond yourself, that’s the transition that you have to learn how to make.

It’s a difficult one, but it’s also super fulfilling. Like the last time we hit a two comma club award, we don’t give ourselves awards but like we gave one to all the people on the team that helped with the process and seeing them getting pictures and hanging on it their wall and that was all almost more fulfilling for me than anything we’ve done on our own.

Mikael Dia (12:33):

So speaking of difficulties and this transition and stuff. We live in an interesting world right now. Like the last three weeks have been pretty interesting. I know you got five kids, so I’m sure that that’s five times more interesting than everybody else. But you’ve been remote, your team has been remote for a while or at least, you know, all over the world. How have you guys transitioned? How have you managed this? Because a lot of people are struggling with what’s happening, right and beyond just like struggling as a business. Also struggling at managing their companies. What do you think is happening with the world first of all?

Russell Brunson (13:19):

Yeah, it is weird times and it’s especially weird because I know for us, I feel like ClickFunnels is in a good spot. Businesses that are online that we’re preparing for this are in a good spot. And I’m lucky enough that Todd, our co-founder, in December he was messaging me about the Coronavirus and I was like, dude, you’re crazy. He was freaking out. He was building all these contingency plans and all these things. I’m like, you are nuts. Like I told you, I feel so bad and I made fun of him like crazy. And then at Funnel Hacking Live everyone was getting their two comma awards and he made everybody put on like hand sanitizer if they come on stage and shake our hands and everyone’s like annoyed by him.

Russell Brunson (13:59):

And like now I’m like, Oh, he’s so smart. He’s always right on everything. But luckily for us he helped get a lot of the processes and procedures in place. Like what happens if support can’t come into the office. We were lucky to be prepared in those things. But I think the scariest thing is that like, there’s so many people around us now who are struggling so many businesses now who can’t go to work. I look at really my role and our company’s role in this thing is to give people hope and give them faith but also permission that if things fail that doesn’t mean that they are a failure.

Russell Brunson (14:32):

I went live this weekend and just talked with the ClickFunnels community as a whole, help them understand that a lot of you are going to lose your jobs. A lot of you guys are gonna lose your businesses and that’s okay. It’s not something to be ashamed of. You have to be really good at like looking at the worst case scenario and being okay with that.

And if it’s bankruptcy. Understand that bankruptcy is a gift from God. Like it’s a gift from the founding fathers that allow us entrepreneurs to fail and reset and talk about how many, who have gone through bankruptcy and help people be okay with that. Because there’s so much fear of like what if things collapsed and they freak out because they don’t try anything because they don’t want to lose anything. And then because of that they end up losing everything.

I think our goal is to come in with as much energy and positivity to help people are saying, look, it’s gonna be scary times, but we’ve got to fight this head on and you gotta be positive through the process or else there’s no way you’re going to succeed. It’s going to be tough enough succeeding while positive that if you’re depressed and frozen, locked up, you’re not going to succeed at all.

Russell Brunson (15:21):

So I think first off with our own internal team. We have team meetings every single morning you’re getting on. And I try to encourage those people, help them understand, reassure people, give them certainty that ClickFunnels is in a solid, stable place so they can keep working and keep serving. But then the community as a whole, keeping people moving forward. And so it’s interesting. I’ve seen a lot of different leaders in different companies taking different ways and some people are freezing up and they’re freaked out and people are freaked out and you’re seeing their whole community is just stopping and I feel like right now that’s the worst thing that could happen.

Russell Brunson (15:57):

I still remember when when 9/11 happened I was like 20, 21 years old or something like that. And I remember after it happened, the economy froze and it came around on the news, they’re like, you need to be buying stuff. Like get out there, go shopping, go like refinance your house. Like try and get the economy stimulated because everyone was scared to do anything. It’s funny because now the messaging is weird. It’s like go home, don’t do anything, so everyone is just freaking out and holding their money. I think the biggest thing that us entrepreneurs can do is to stimulate the economy by creating good offers and putting things out and putting positivity out, but then getting people moving because if people aren’t buying and transactions aren’t happening then everything freezes.

Russell Brunson (16:36):

You know, we had a big thing, the traffic secrets book launch happened the day that Trump told them to stay home and people were like are you going to stop the book launch? I’m like, no, this is the time for myself and my company but for everybody like we need to show it’s not bad to sell during these times. People have more money now. They’re not spending in the movie theater and not spending it buying new clothes they’re sitting at home like wondering and the government just dropped $2 trillion in the economy. There’s money now. We’ve just got to be willing to keep marketing and keep being creative and helping move the economy along.

Mikael Dia (17:07):

In the book you talk near the beginning, and you’ve talked about this a lot across all the books, there’s two ways to market right now in general, right? People either go away from pain or towards pleasure. And you can touch on this, but I think a lot of people need to realize that that works based on who your dream customer is and what they’re thinking. You’re trying to get inside of that conversation in their heads. And, right now, a lot of people are sitting here and they’re saying, I just want to be secure. I just, I just want to get away from this pain. Not necessarily aspiration. Right? Not necessarily thinking about like, I want to build a $1 million business right now. Well I’ll build $1 million business when I know that my cash flow is stable. What are your thoughts on that?

Russell Brunson (18:04):

Yeah, You think about with any customer, they’re always moving if they’re coming to you and moving in a direction. Like you said, they’re moving towards pleasure or away from pain. And I think over the last 7 to 10 years for most people because economy has been so good, most people are making decisions moving towards pleasure, which is why the ads have always been how to get a house, how to make rich, how to be a millionaire, whatever. Weight loss is like how to get six pack abs so the girls want you. Every business speaks towards pleasure and now two and a half, three weeks ago everything shifted toward people are in pain, and you’re right, the people who are going to survive and thrive during this market are the ones who understand how to shift their marketing message.

Russell Brunson (18:40):

You look at all the initial ads and stuff we had for traffic secrets was how to grow a company $100 million. Now it’s like, no, no, no, no. Now the shifting in messaging was understanding now you have to create a life preserver to protect yourself and having customers and traffic is like the life preserver that protects you. It was interesting, I was talking to Dean Graziosi, who’s been a close friend for a long time and I remember in 2008 ish, like when the whole real estate financial markets crashed last time he was on TV doing infomercials back then and there was like 50 people who had like, how to get rich on real estate infomercials. Like anyone who ever flipped a house ever had an infomercial teach people how to make money on real estate.

Russell Brunson (19:21):

And then the financial crash happened and it went from like 50 infomercials down to one and only one person survived and was Dean’s. Dean ran that infomercial all the way through the recession and on and his business actually grew during those years. And I asked him, How did you survive when everyone else got demolished? Teaching people how to make it in real estate, everyone lost their everything in real estate.

He said the only big difference was that I shifted my message from aspirational to creating a life preserver cause like everyone else was like, how to get rich in real estate. And nobody wanted that message and their businesses died. And so it was interesting. The product was the same. He didn’t change his product. He just changed the marketing around the message that showing how the product was a tool to get people out of pain.

Russell Brunson (20:01):

I think the same thing is true right now for all of our businesses. If our messaging right now is very aspirational, how to like make more money, it’s going to struggle. If you shift your messaging to show how your product or service will get people out of pain, those are the businesses that are gonna that are going to do really well right now. And every product can be, can be positioned that way. We just have to think differently because we’ve been in a season for so long of selling towards pleasure. I think a lot of us have forgotten this, like right now, how do we get people out of pain? How does this product or this service get people out of pain? And by making those shifts, are we going to see the biggest changes for people?

Mikael Dia (20:37):

Yeah, until things really settle down and people feel better and go outside again, I think it’s going to be interesting once people actually go back outside. It’s probably not gonna happen for another four weeks…

Russell Brunson (20:50):

I think when it does people are going to be scared to go outside. They’re going to be very cautiously…

Mikael Dia (20:54):

Yeah, Exactly, they’re going to be cautious and I think it’s going to change human psychology to some degree. I want to ask you a few questions about like, how you think about school and you’ve got five kids. So as an entrepreneur, how do you think about the education system? Do you, because my daughter is only three and a half and I got another one on the way. And I think about it, I’m like, man, they don’t teach me this stuff at school. Like, do I really want my daughter to go through that schooling system? Like how do you think about it?

Russell Brunson (21:28):

Well, I think what’s interesting is I’m watching the schools trying to recover from this right now, and I think everyone’s been talking about the school system has been broken for so long and I think this may be like part of the reset that fixes some of the schools, at least I’m hoping so. It’ll be interesting to see how the schools pivot and things like that.

Right now, we’re getting messages from our kids’ teachers who were all freaking out like, Oh, here’s a packet. Have your kids read this and like, why, what’s the point, they don’t know. They’re like trying to keep their job. And so I think it’s going to be interesting. I know for me personally, growing up I hated school and I wasn’t very social. I’m very introverted, but at the same time, like I learned skill sets in school, like how to deal with people, how to like, navigate the weirdness.

Russell Brunson (22:12):

You know, and I was able to wrestle in school and things like that. So I think there’s value in school. I don’t think it’s in the education though. My kids are all in public school right now. You know, for better, for worse. But I’ve told my kids when you’re done with high school…

Like you know, especially my oldest, I have twins, but my oldest twin, nine minutes older, he’s very entrepreneurial. It’s like, Do I have to go to school Dad?

And I was like, I was like, you have to go to school until you’re making more money than your teacher and you found your spouse. At college, like just so you know, like all the beautiful ladies are in school. Like they’re, there, they’re learning like you need to go there cause that’s where you’re gonna meet your future wife.

Go there and find her and figure out how to make more money than your teachers, as soon as you got, here’s the girl I’m going to marry, I’m making more than my teacher, then you can bounce and I will support you 100% but I think it’s important to be around people. I feel like the social aspect is important than the rest.

Mikael Dia (23:01):

Yeah, that’s fair. So I want to transition to talking about this. And by the way, like first of all, this thing is incredible, man, it is on another level. I opened it and I was like, this is the coolest and I want to talk about the book, but this right here is the Business plan for online entrepreneurs. Like if you actually do what’s in here and fill this in, you’re set. It’s genius. It’s awesome. I love this, but I want to talk about this book. I’ll talk about why you wrote it. You told the world that writing these two books was like a grueling process, took a long time, and I’m pretty sure after both books you said I’m never writing another book again. I’m pretty sure you said that.

Russell Brunson (23:57):


Mikael Dia (23:57):

And now you’ve got this book?

Russell Brunson (23:57):

I can’t stop? I got problems.

Mikael Dia (24:04):

Why did you write traffic secrets?

Russell Brunson (24:06):

You know I think if I talk about all three books might help a little bit. It’s funny because the first book, we launched ClickFunnels and I kind of dabbled with a book for a long time. We launched ClickFunnels and people at first didn’t get it, there was a small group of people who understood funnels who were like sweet and started using it. But for the most part, nobody got it.

And they were like I don’t, I don’t get it. And so I wrote the DotCom Secrets book. I needed a manual so people understand like this is how funnels work and the psychology so you start thinking differently. So that became the first book and then like you said, I was like, this was horrible. I’ll never write a book again.

And then about a year into ClickFunnels people started building funnels and are understanding the process, then people were canceling.

Russell Brunson (24:43):

I’m like, why are they canceling? And I go look at their funnels and their funnels like structurally were right, but they sucked at like telling their story and getting a message and moving people through the funnel. And so that is like I need write the second book to teach people like persuasion and storytelling and things like that.

And so that’s when the second book began. And then again, I was like, I’ll never write a book again. And literally it was on day two of the expert seekers book launch that John Reese who owns trafficsecrets.com. For those who don’t know marketing history. He was the first guy to do $1 million in a day with a course called traffic secrets. This was like 15 years ago, and he emailed me, he said, Hey, I’m selling my business. You want to buy traffic secrets from me?

Russell Brunson (25:16):

And I was like, okay. It would be, it’s like the last thing, like here’s how, here’s how to build funnels. Here’s how to speak inside those funnels. Here’s how to build those funnels with people. So I said, yes.

And then I sat on it for over a year before I started the project.

I’m like, how do you write a book about the topic in the world that changes the most? How do you make it a book that’ll be evergreen, that lasts forever. And so for a year I stressed about like, I don’t even know how to write this book. And after about a year I was like, I think I figured out a way to do it. And so that was really wise. I feel like the, the community as a whole, like this is the piece that they’re missing is traffic. It’s actually interesting. I look at the people that won the two comma club versus two comma club X, which is 10 million versus two comma club C which is 100 million.

Russell Brunson (25:53):

All three of them have funnels. All three in the funnels are good. The only difference between the seven eight and nine figure funnels is how many people get dumped into the top of it. I was like, I think that’s the missing piece that people just don’t know how to get traffic. And if they do, they focus on one source, which is Facebook or just Instagram, you know they have one source and this book helps you to have a more holistic approach of here’s how to get a lot of traffic sources and a lot of things that are stable that aren’t going to disappear overnight. And so that’s why we started the project and now this is done. I’m super proud of it and hope all you guys get a copy because it’ll help you get tons of traffic into your funnels.

Mikael Dia (26:23):

Definitely go to trafficsecrets.com and get a copy of this book. Like I said, Russell, I’ve been following you since dotcom secrets X days. I’ve been diving into this stuff and you’ve changed my life because of all this stuff that you’ve put out. It’s consistent too, it’s not as though you’re sharing tactics. This is stuff that has been working since 2012. And I appreciate you, I appreciate what you’re doing for the world of entrepreneurs. This thing right here, honestly, this is the gold mine, but this.

Russell Brunson (27:04):

You only get that inside the funnel. It’s all secrets until after you get your book, So you have to go watch to get the offer where you can get the whole thing.

Mikael Dia (27:06):

Yes, exactly. get this whole box set because this thing’s incredible. I appreciate you very much, man. I appreciate you hanging out with us and yeah man, we’ll chat soon.

Russell Brunson (27:19):

Awesome. Thanks for having me. Appreciate you and thanks to your entire community for having me and thanks for you, man, for making some amazing software. I know how hard it is to make software. You guys have such a killer job.

Mikael Dia (27:27):

I appreciate it man, cheers.

Russell Brunson (27:27):

Bye everybody.

Mikael Dia (27:27):

Take Care.